آموزش برنامه نویسی به زبانVHDL
- کامپیوتر، اینترنت ، شبکه ، نرم افزار
3 روز
از تاریخ : 1394/06/21
تا تاریخ : 1394/06/25
نمایش شماره تماس
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کامپیوتر، اینترنت ، شبکه ، نرم افزار
/آموزش برنامه نویسی به زبانVHDL
دوره های آموزش برنامه نویسی به زبانVHDL در موسسه آموزشی و پژوهشی سیستم های نهفته رها امکانات آموزشگاه: •آموزش در سطوح مختلف به صورت گروهی یا خصوصی در محل این آموزشگاه یا در مکان مورد نظر شما •آموزش از راه دور •مشاوره در سطوح مختلف برای انجام پروژه های دانشجویی و صنعتی •ارسال کتاب، جزوه و سی دی به تمام نقاط ایران •خوابگاه با قیمت مناسب تلفن: 88288718 سرفصل های این دوره: مدارهای دیجیتال پایه ترتیبی و ترکیبی FPGA XILINX and ALTERA و EDA Software Xilinx ISE software and ModelSim HDL simulator Xilinx Spartan-3 devices Constraint files انواع دیکودرها (Hexadecimal digit to seven-segment LED decoder …) BCD incrementor LED time-multiplexing circuit Stopwatch FIFO buffer Programmable square wave generator PWM and LED dimmer Rotating square circuit Heartbeat circuit Rotating LED banner circuit FSM code development Rising-edge detector Debouncing circuit Parking lot occupancy counter Code development of an FSMD Fibonacci number circuit Division circuit Binary-to-BCD conversion circuit Period counter UART UART receiving subsystem UART transmitting subsystem PS2 Keyboard PS2 receiving subsystem PS2 keyboard scan code Scan code monitor circuit PS2 keyboard interface circuit PS2Mouse PS2 mouse interface Mouse-controlled seven-segment LED display External SRAM Basic memory controller Memory with a 512K-by-16 configuration Memory with a 1M-by-8 configuration Memory with an 8M-by-1 configuration Memory controller with DCM Embedded memory of Spartan-3 device Single-port RAM Dual-port RAM ROM VGA controller I: graphic Basic operation of a CRT Video controller VGA synchronization Timing calculation of VGA synchronization signals Overview of the pixel generation circuit Graphic generation with an object-mapped scheme Rectangular objects Non-rectangular object Animated object Graphic generation with a bit-mapped scheme Dual-port RAM implementation Single-port RAM implementation VGA test pattern generator SVGA mode synchronization circuit Visible screen adjustment circuit Ball-in-a-box circuit Two-balls-in-a-box circuit Two-player pong game Breakout game Full-screen dot trace Mouse pointer circuit Small-screen mouse scribble circuit Full-screen mouse scribble circuit VGA controller II: text Text generation Character as a tile Font ROM Basic text generation circuit Font display circuit Font scaling Full-screen text display The complete pong game Text subsystem Modified graphic subsystem Auxiliary counters Rotating banner Underline for the cursor Dual-mode text display Keyboard text entry UART terminal Square wave display Simple four-trace logic analyzer Complete two-player pong game Complete breakout game ویژگیهای پیشرفته FPGA Input/Output Blocks (IOBs) IOB Overview I/O Standards Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) Block RAM Dedicated Multipliers Digital Clock Manager (DCM) Clock Network DC and Switching Characteristics DC Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Supply Voltage Specifications Recommended Operating Conditions DC Characteristics Switching Characteristics I/O Timing Internal Logic Timing DCM Timing Configuration and JTAG Timing Pinout Descriptions Pin Descriptions Pin Behavior During Configuration Package Overview Pinout Tables Footprints Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board User Guide FPGA Configuration Mode Settings Program Push Button/DONE Indicator LED Platform Flash Configuration Storage Platform Flash Jumper Options (JP1) JTAG Programming/Debugging Ports JTAG Header (J7) Parallel Cable IV/MultiPro Desktop Tool JTAG Header (J5) The schematics for the Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board تلفن: 88288718
3 روز
از تاریخ : 1394/06/21
تا تاریخ : 1394/06/25
نمایش شماره تماس
نمایش ایمیل
[انقضاء گردبده]